11th Homework

This homework has to be prepared individually (no teams). Create a directory 11_your_name to contain your homework. This homework grants you a lot of freemdom - the sole goal is to become familiar with pandas and the ipython notebook or plotly dash (your choice). When you completed the assignment, submitting your homework as compressed archive. Don't forget to add the correct subject to the email when submitting.

To be awarded full points, your homework needs to

  1. COVID Data Analysis (9 points)
    Pick any data set related to the COVID pandemic. Do a proper analysis on that data using pandas and the ipython notebook or a plotly dash dashboard. If working with an ipython notebook, at the very least, your analysis must
    1. read a data file or obtain data from the internet
    2. create a nice document intermixing explanations written in Markdown and code demonstrating that you understood the basics of pandas
    3. do some basic statistical analysis
    4. perform a grouping
    5. generate a graph
    If creating a plotly dash dashboard, at the very least, the analysis and dashboard must
    1. read a data file or obtain data from the internet
    2. create a nice dashboard that is easily readable without knowing the code or data using data visualization and text output (HTML) components.
    3. do some basic statistical analysis in the background and display the results
    4. perform a grouping
    5. use at least one interactive UI component (e.g. slider, dropdown, ...)
    6. generate a graph
    You are free to use any data related to the COVID pandemic you like. When done, make sure to include all required files besides your .ipynb and properly test if your homework works as expected. It is important that you use relative / absolute paths such that the required files can be opened without any problem on another computer.